Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Livraria da Vila

Watch right to the end of the video to see the marvellous rotating door bookshelves.
Isay Weinfeld

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


The bookshelf is a flat-pack product, easy to put together, yet attractive. It bulges from the wall like a sector of a sphere, creating a sci-fi effect in the room. Besides being an eye-catcher, it is also practical and the film-coated plywood is easy to clean.
Dimensions: 2200x2200x400mm
Material: 9mm film-coated waterproof birch plywood

Monday, 29 March 2010


Bookcase to lean on the wall. Dimensions: 110 x 110 x 1,9 cm, Material: MDF, CNC milled cut-outs, Surface finish: white powder coated

Friday, 26 March 2010

Sliding Shelf

A wooden board is fixed on the wall and supports a number of boxes. They can be hanged, removed, slid freely, always changing the layout of the shelves. The back of the boxes are constructed in such a way that they compose with the board a plane surface combining different colours and materials.
Lutz Hüning

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Outer shell made out of plywood smoothed and painted. The inside made out of foamed polythelene... with just the right spacing between each piece
Sturlesi Design

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

6 Degrees

A flexible shelving system based on a module, that multiplied allows creating many diverse configurations.
Maja Ganszyniec

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


Hamachi er et opbevaringsmøbel der består af 5 hylder, der kan åbnes og lukkes med fleksible latexbånd. Jeg har forsøgt at arbejde med tilgangen til opbevaringsmøblet på en ny måde, og med enkle virkemidler at udfordre den klassiske skabslåges funktion og æstetik.
Jakob Jørgensen 

Monday, 15 March 2010

Le Bouc

Red, mobile and handy, Bouc is your ideal companion for reading. Bouc, a small, varnished piece of furniture dedicated to books, can either be an extension to your library, an occasional table for reading or placing books, or a desk for your book of the moment. Bouc loves books. It supports them, open or closed, keeps them available at all times, whether you are in your office, drawing room or garden.
It was designed by Mathieu Gabiot, edited by Speculoosbook and made in Belgium.
Le Bouc


Cest une étagère qui reprend dans sa forme un système graphique issu dune structure en zellige (mosaïque marocaine). Le meuble Zelli est composé de 8 modules identiques, qui s'emboîtent et s'assemblent grâce à 3 formes de découpes différentes. Cette variation au niveau de la découpe n'a aucune incidence sur la forme du module, d'où un ensemble harmonieux et parfaitement symétrique. Le meuble est donc auto-structurant et auto-bloquant, c'est-à-dire qu'il ne vous faudra ni clou, ni vis, ni connaissances en bricolage pour monter le Zelli en dix minutes de façon solide et durable

Friday, 12 March 2010


Fill is designed to flatpack for transport and is basic to construct. A robust piece which is designed to withstand the heaviest of loads. Manufactured in aluminium with a hemp glass base. Powder coated finish. Exploratory prototype. Dimensions: W 2300mm   D 500mm   H 2000mm
Jon Goulder

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Off the wall

The idea was to make a 3-dimensional wallpaper, which gives an additional function more than just decoration. The wallpaper would roll out away from the wall as if it came to life. Wallpapers goes out into the room, test their limits and turn a moment into something else and then go back and establish themselves in their traditional role and place.

Thursday, 4 March 2010


Isaac Layman's unnervingly banal color photographs of household items are astonishingly subtle in their perception-based tomfoolery. The Seattle artist's earliest work on view presents an almost-seamless image of a bookcase whose spines are turned away from the camera, so that the books become little more than nameless swathes of bound paper. The viewer's impulse to scan the shelves for familiar titles is doubly thwarted when they notice that the photograph almost seems to shift its perspective, depending on where the viewer looks. Almost imperceptibly, Layman has combined photographs taken from different vantage points in creating Bookcase, resulting in a deceptive network of impossible sightlines.
Isaac Layman

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


* Design-Bookshelfl
* Material: 100% recyclable cardboard
* SGS certified color-film made of PVC
* 100% environmentally friendly
* Durability is guaranteed
Reinhard Dienes