Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Give your books an original and dynamic arrangement: with Alpacbeto you can compose your own bookcase thanks to the honeycomb cardboard modules in the shape of letters. Choose the letters to compose a word or short message and place your books in the natural concave of the letters.
The Alpacbeto letters are also available in brown and black.
Designer: Fabio Biavaschi
Glook at lovli.it

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Twist me!

In its side walls there are placed aluminium bearings joint with a wooden nut from the press. By turning the nut, the inner “walls”, are brought into motion and this way they can be positioned against one another, thereby creating space for any number of books. These can be fixed by sufficient pressing and library can be carrying even without emptying the bookcase.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

BookBenches project

A new public art project will see benches shaped as open books. The benches - to be placed across London - will include one based on Michael Rosen's We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, another on J M Barrie's Peter Pan and a third on Kenneth Graeme's Wind in the Willows. The so-called "BookBenches" will be designed by international and local artists, and aim to promote reading for enjoyment and to celebrate stories linked to the capital.
The Bookseller

Monday, 11 November 2013


Serpentin is a very simple library play : an oak bar rhythmed by perpendicular bars on which the books of any size will be supported. A clever way to store books and to decorate its walls. Material: Oak, red, gray, white or black.
Thibault Pougeoise

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Minimal Bookshelf

A minimal bookshelf with gaps at both ends. Slot a book in and it acts as a bookend. Chan Hwee Chong

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

REK bookcase junior

A scaled-down version of REK bookcase. Like the original REK, the five parts can be pushed in or pulled out to position them according to the space needed. Entirely made of poplar plywood.  The wood is finished with an organic linseed oil wax.
Reinier de Jong

Monday, 4 November 2013

Bookshelf Silk Tie

An image straight from the shelves of The Bodleian Library printed onto this natty tie. The Literary Gift Company