Thursday, 28 July 2011

Print Books: Should They Stay or Should They Go?

As I packed for the move, I questioned whether it made financial sense to ship my several hundred books across the country, and more important, if I went through the trouble of doing this, what was the point when they would only sit untouched in a different city, just as they have for so many years in New York?
Nick Bilton, New York Times

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Twisted tales

A Shakespearean reference of the old library's books "shuffling off this mortal coil". The books, some of which were actually once in the library's stacks, were gathered from local bookshops, then twisted and trimmed to fit flush against the paneled wall. There are whimsical, nostalgic Bedknobs and Broomsticks and Harry Potter-esque references also, since it looks magical, and it's under the stairs. Created for the VIA Advertising Agency, which recently renovated and moved their offices into the old Baxter building, which served as Portland's public library from 1888 until the 1960s.
Warey Myers

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Book Tank: Weapon of massive instruction

Raul Lemesoff's converted 1979 green Ford Falcon - now a mobile library which circulates Buenos Aires handing out books.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Mobina - estante e banqueta

Trabalho de conclusão de curso, cujo objetivo era desenvolver um produto a partir da reutilização de resíduos industriais. A solução encontrada foi o reuso de bobinas de papelão, originando um módulo multifuncional, que pode ser usado como estante, banqueta, mesa de apoio e caixa.
Mariana Piccoli

Monday, 18 July 2011

Really useful bookcase

"Leading product designer Ken Grange points at a bookcase. 'I designed this in the shape of a man,' he says. 'When I die, all my wife has to do is chuck out the books and put me in instead. That's real design for recycling."
Kenneth Grange

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Is a Bookless Library Still a Library?

We've been hearing about it for years, but the bookless library has finally arrived, making a beachhead on college campuses. At Drexel University's new Library Learning Terrace, which opened just last month, there is nary a bound volume, just rows of computers and plenty of seating offering access to the Philadelphia university's 170 million electronic items. Scott Erdy, designer of the new library, says open, flexible space — the furniture is movable and the walls act as one giant whiteboard — allows student and staff "knowledge transfer," a concept reinforced by Danuta Nitecki, dean of Drexel's libraries. "We don't just house books, we house learning," she says.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Mini Bookshelf Quilt

You will need:
13 various scraps for your books **see cutting step #1**
Various scraps of white fabric or another neutral, background color
1" x 20" strip of gray, brown, or other bookshelf colored solid fabric
Selvages or textual fabrics for book titles
Steam-a-Seam 2
Fat quarter for the background
Binding of your choice
Don't Call Me Betsy

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Dream bookshelf

Inspired by the ability of every design to be made about fun and imagination. the dream bookshelf is a coversation starter no matter where it is. you livingroom or your kids play room.
Dripta Design

Friday, 1 July 2011

Albers bookcase for Gropius

While the painter Josef Albers was at the Bauhaus, he designed furniture for the reception room at Walter Gropius’s office in Weimar, Germany. Now the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation hopes to recreate and reissue the furnishings in that room, beginning with the bookcase.
New York Times