Monday, 30 July 2012
Thomas Jefferson's Revolving Bookcase
Jefferson needed to reference multiple sources, but found finding, opening and closing books cumbersome and time-wasting. So, he invented this revolving book stand which allowed him to quickly and easily view five books with the spin of the wrist. The footprint, when closed is 13 inches (33 cm) square. It stands15 inches (38 cm) high. The four sides open and their inclination can be adjusted to any angle between 0 to 50 degrees. The top leaf inclination is 60 degrees.
Johnson Artisan on Etsy
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Friday, 27 July 2012
One in ten UK adults now has an e-reader
"Our research reveals that in just a few short years, new technology has fundamentally changed the way that we communicate. Talking face to face or on the phone are no longer the most common ways for us to interact with each other. In their place, newer forms of communications are emerging which don't require us to talk to each other especially among younger age groups. This trend is set to continue as technology advances and we move further into the digital age." James Thickett, Ofcom's Director of Research.
Ofcome: The Communications Market Report
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Modular Rotating Bookcase
Designed as a student project for 'client' Scott. Scott had a particular interest in Japanese Manga comics. The bookcase was designed to accommodate the comics which are approximately the size of DVD cases. Since these are small the decision was made to accommodate more comics by making the bookcase two-sided. Each box has a furniture turntable on the bottom and a corresponding groove on the top. The design allows multiple boxes of varying sizes to be stacked on top of each other in any combination. The opposite side is then accessed by simply spinning the boxes around. The central divider can be specified as any shape or pattern. In Scott's case, he had a particular interest in spider web's as a pattern. This was designed and laser cut from acrylic before fitting into the boxes. The larger boxes can be left open to allow for larger books or simple shelves can be fitted. Daniel Edwards
Monday, 23 July 2012
Friday, 20 July 2012
An art project that unites literature, performance, installation, image and cinema. Created by Marcos Saboya and Gualter Pupo, aMAZEme immerses the audience in a labyrinth of books.
The audience unexpectedly come into contact with the books installation, which stimulates their curiosity, knowledge and creativity. By participating in the installation, the audience discovers new textures, images and emotions. They become surrounded- hypnotized – by words and thoughts, designs and patterns. There appear to be secrets hidden in the installation’s walls; walls of up to 2.5 metres high, built from thousands of books, forming a large Maze of more than 500 square metres. The construction of the labyrinth and the public's participation will be filmed by video cameras and sent to the “aMAZEme" website as well as to social media sites. Touch screens will be installed to look up information and to screen content, which will also be shown in monitors throughout the installation.
The public will be able to navigate through this hypnotic and surprising “book labyrinth” or attend daily performances from literary figures.
London Festival
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Book forest
The first public bookcase in Berlin. The project adopts the idea of putting up a bookcase in a public space, in which people could release their used books to be picked up by others. This way of free dissemination, called ‚bookcrossing’, is by now a worldwide movement organised in a central database ( Registration of books enables following their travels through the world and communication about the books.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Monday, 16 July 2012
The Bedside Console
A nightstand that combines a small bookshelf and drawer for bedside use. Turned leg at the base can be detached for use with a low platform bed.
Pelle Designs
Thursday, 12 July 2012
An open-air library in the vineyard at St Peter’s Abbey, an oasis of greenery and tranquillity in the centre of Ghent. This vineyard originated in the Middle Ages and Ghent’s Guild of Wine-Measurers breathed new life into it in the 1970s. Visitors can borrow, buy or exchange secondhand books here in the symbolic shadow of the Book Tower. Bartolini installs the bookcases in line with the vines, leaning against and parallel to the slope of the garden. According to Bartolini, books too can broaden the mind, just like good wine.
Massimo Bartolini
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Smiling bookcase
A unique and innovative piece of furniture, designed with a strong representative identity. It is developed based on the concept of designing specifically for a single person household by using recycled materials for environment. People might feel lonely when they are at home alone. Being surrounded by ''Smiling'' furniture would promote an atmosphere of joy and would intensify people's feelings of happiness.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
"I designed this shelf inspired by the composition principles of fractal forms. A patina with a gradation of steel colours lends itself to the spiral composition of the object, bestowing it with a certain lightness in spite of its actual weight. The wealth of this project rests upon the interaction between the content and the receptacle."
Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance
Monday, 9 July 2012
Paradero ParaLibros ParaParques (PPP)
Los PPP son pequeñas bibliotecas públicas que desde los parques ofrecen a la comunidad la oportunidad de leer y llevar libros en préstamo de manera gratuita para propiciar un acercamiento libre y espontáneo a la lectura.
Friday, 6 July 2012
The Bookshop Band
"A shop with books in" - a song inspired by bookshops, written for Independent Booksellers' Week 2012 by The Bookshop Band from The Bookshop Band on Vimeo.
The Bookshop Band write songs about books and play them in bookshops. They started as a collaboration between a group of musicians in Bath and their local independent bookshop, Mr B's Emporium. Now they are about to go on tour, sponsored by Vintage Books and Independent Booksellers Week, around other bookshops and lit fests. The Bookshop Band
Thursday, 5 July 2012
A bookcase that gives an organic three-dimensional effect in space. It achieves a sculptural expression through simple means and in an unbound way it breaks with the ordinary conceptions of the horizontal and vertical bookcase.
Jakob Jørgensen
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Robi rolling Library
Robi is a mobile public library in a truck with an individual type mounting for people in small villages around the district town. Inside, special acrylic shelves have illuminated LED edges that can light in the dark. When you read a book you let one's mind wander - the back of the truck is like a fantasy with no right angles and lines become more imaginative. The shelves start as parallel, then go up and down. It’s like a mystery of an history.
Claudia Miller
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
The Poet's Book Hanger
Consists of several ‘book sticks' which can be used both as bookmarks and as a means of hanging the books on the wall. The book sticks can be wedged in between two mouldings mounted on the wall. In addition to the book sticks, Poet's Book Hanger features a book shelf, which is similarly mounted by means of the two mouldings. Jakob Jørgensen
Monday, 2 July 2012
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