Tuesday 30 November 2010

Z shelf

From Miron Lior, designer of the stackable Invisible Shelf, comes another artful, “invisible” way to display books. The powder-coated steel Z Shelf is a modular piece that can be arranged in a zigzag style, or an escalating shape on a wall. The front cover of any hardbound book conceals the hooks that keep the shelf in place, while a functional bracket joins the bound pages. The Z Shelf is easy to hang with built-in wall mounts, and looks best slightly askew. Your books are safe from gravity, if not prying hands.
Miron Loir


Designed in 2006 by artist/designer Jared Arp, the Eileen Shelving Unit debuted as the winning design in a furniture competition in Colorado, USA.
Jared Arp

Monday 29 November 2010

Framed objects

These frames—with a vase, shelf, or hooks—decorate and emphasize the objects held within. Turn flowers, books, keys, jewelry, articles of clothing, and other ordinary objects into works of art.

Sunday 28 November 2010

Herringbone spine bookcase

A new direction on modern storage. Angled shelves allow for a unique display of books, while a small footprint makes this a clever storage solution for smaller spaces.
• Sturdy metal with graphite powder-coated finish.
• Seven fixed, angled shelves allow for a unique display of books.
• The small silhouette is ideal for smaller spaces.
• 14"w x 15"d x 64.5"h.
West Elm

Thursday 25 November 2010

Booksellers Tokens campaign installation

An innovative installation has been created from thousands of books to launch the new Booksellers Tokens campaign in the lead-up to the busy Christmas gift-buying season. The installation, featured inside the Auckland Domestic Airport, consists of over 1,500 real books and weighs more than 375kg, standing at a striking 1.8m tall.

The campaign uses famous literary quotes and images to celebrate the fact that no other book voucher is accepted in as many bookshops throughout New Zealand, as a Bookseller Token. The books spell out one of the campaign taglines ‘To be accepted in 350 book shops or not to be’, pictured with the famous skull of Yorick, from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

The Booksellers Tokens installation will be hosted at the Auckland Domestic Airport until Monday 6 December 2010.
Booksellers New Zealand

Wednesday 24 November 2010

The New Memory Theater: What will be the new 'bookshelf'?

Forget what constitutes a 'book'. What will be the new 'bookshelf'?
What concerns me about the literary apocalypse that everybody now expects — the at least partial elimination of paper books in favor of digital alternatives — is not chiefly the books themselves, but the bookshelf. My fear is for the eclectic, personal collections that we bookish people assemble over the course of our lives, as well as for their grander, public step-siblings. I fear for our memory theaters.
Nathan Schneider

Shelf forest

Anna Smurygina

Tuesday 23 November 2010


I designed this a few years ago, and with the help of my saavy father, bent, welded and painted to put this together. There are also adjustable wood blocks that help in changing and arranging the display to fit my mood or lifestyle at a particular time.
Amy Busch

Friday 19 November 2010


Pallet è una libreria componibile che può essere fissata a parete o usata per dividere un ambiente, e allo stesso tempo custodisce e mette elegantemente in mostra il suo contenuto. Bellissimi anche i giochi di luce creati dalle doghe orizzontali, perfetto da inserire in un arredamento moderno. Pallet è stata realizzata in un solo pezzo ai fini della prototipazione.
Flavia Dalla Pellegrina

Thursday 18 November 2010

Zig Zag

An extremely versatile and modular bookcase, Zig Zag makes it possible to create different furnishing solutions. The two elements that make it up can be alternated in such a way as to obtain a partitioning structure or a wall bookcase, or can be singly used to make up half-circles or columns. Each Zig Zag element can be used as self-standing and is manufactured in micro-embossed, white-lacquered MDF board. Design: Aziz Sariyer

Wednesday 17 November 2010


An incredibly versatile bookcase module, Quby is made in rotomoulded polyethylene. Thanks to its shape, it easily accommodates books of all sizes, DVDs and CDs and can be hung on the wall, rest on the floor or combined and re-combined at will. Design Stefan Bench

Monday 15 November 2010

End of an era

A comical take on the state of the print industry. As far as the balance of it goes, when all of the books are removed it is easily tipped. That is why the old encyclopedias are on the bottom shelf. Made from MDF.
Blaine Johnston

Thursday 11 November 2010

Lean Man

A simple, honest and charming Bookshelve unit. Designed by Frank Flavell for &then design, the leaning man collection is a quirky addition to any interior.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Reading chair

Reading Furniture is een familie van meubels, die de gebruiker voorziet van alle leesgemak.Vershuren

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Lost in Sofa

Daisuke Motogi

Monday 8 November 2010

Sunday 7 November 2010

La Libreria

La Libreria è composta da mensole di lunghezza massima di 1 metro in plexiglas bisatinato, spessore 6mm adatto a una migliore diffusione luminosa di color giallo(anche se sono possibili altri colori). L'oggetto è appeso al soffitto tramite 10 cavi di acciaio che la rendono leggera e priva di ostacoli a terra. Tutte le mensole compresa la “scatola luminosa” sono interscambiabili a discrezione dell’acquirente ed è possibile introdurre più “scatole luminose”.
Pietro Travaglini

Tuesday 2 November 2010


The client approached nemaworkshop with a single espresso bar existing and the ambition to build an espresso empire. The concept for the design is straightforward, bold and receptive to future locations: take the ordinary and turn it on its side. Drawing from the nearby New York Public Library in Bryant Park, the space is lined in a sepia-toned full size photograph of books printed on tiles. The custom tiles run along the floor, up the 15’ foot wall and across the ceiling. The frosted glass wall behind the service counter illuminates the space and the wall directly opposite is clad in rich brown herringbone. The thrust of this concept finds expression in the lighting and materiality, and ultimately the space gives definition to the emerging brand.

Monday 1 November 2010

Book shelf

A quite arbitrary number of shelf boxes at different heights. The books are forming small hinged storage spaces.
Miriam Aust