Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Book chair

This chair was designed to remove the excess bulk and 3-dimensional footprint out of a traditional arm chair. The chair, by itself, is a perfect accent to nearly any environment you could place it in. Whether it’s filled with water bottles and towels for a health club or spa, or filled with books for a lobby or library reading area, the chair can blend seamlessly into the surrounding decor. It was constructed from 618 individually cut pieces of Baltic Birch plywood, and upholstered in vinyl. The pieces were designed on a computer to be cut out via CNC so that they would each be identical, to ensure the seamless joints would accommodate the stress-load of everyday use. Judson Beaumont, Straight Line Designs

Monday, 28 January 2013


La profondeur de l'étagère est déterminée par le nombre de lattes utilisées. De ce fait, il est possible de modifier la largeur de l’ensemble en ajoutant ou en enlevant des lattes. Un certain nombre des lattes s'ajoutent de manière plus flexible dans la structure primaire d’ensemble – ces lattes constituent des “montants” dont l'orientation/inclinaison peut être fixée librement. Matériaux – lattes de contre-plaqué, tiges filetées, écrous, rondelles.
Maia Tuur

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The curious rise of bibliographics

What does the proliferation of sites, books, and blogs celebrating images of books say about our relationship with the printed word?...  there is no question that representations of books are capturing the imaginations of many.
Read the rest at The College Store magazine

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Bookcases in illuminated medieval manuscripts

Valerius Maximus, translated by Simon de Hesdin and Nicholas de Gonesse, Facta et dicta memorabilia. Netherlands, S. (Bruges); 1479. Miniature of the translator, Simon de Hesdin, at work in his study, with an inscription on the wall reading, 'Je suis bien / Toudis Joieulx', and a date '1479' with words 'de anno' inscribed on a scroll pending from a bookshelf; with a full border containing the royal arms of England on two banners held by angels, and on a shield surrounded by the Garter with the motto 'Honny soit qui mal y pense', and surmounted by a crowned helm with a mantling in Edward IV's colours of red and blue and a crest of a white lion, with two other shields bearing the same arms for Edward's sons, and the York badge of white rose-en-soleil with the motto 'Dieu est mon droit'; and a foliate initial 'L'(a brieste), at the beginning of book 1.
British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

Friday, 11 January 2013

Don't Burn Your Books - Print Is Here to Stay

The initial e-book explosion is starting to look like an aberration. The technology's early adopters, a small but enthusiastic bunch, made the move to e-books quickly and in a concentrated period. Further converts will be harder to come by. A 2012 survey by Bowker Market Research revealed that just 16% of Americans have actually purchased an e-book and that a whopping 59% say they have "no interest" in buying one... Having survived 500 years of technological upheaval, Gutenberg's invention may withstand the digital onslaught as well. There's something about a crisply printed, tightly bound book that we don't seem eager to let go of.
The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Ray shelf

An adjustable and versatile wall mounted shelving system for storing books and whatever you like. The primary feature of this design is to provide users with the freedom to arrange their own individual space creating different design combinations. Matteo Gerbi

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Um livro pode mudar a sua vida. A “Bicicloteca” é uma biblioteca itinerante, um movimento independente existente em diversas comunidades brasileiras e em outros países, geralmente para pessoas sem acesso a biblioteca ou comunidades distantes dos centros, as quais utilizam a bicicleta como veículo para o transporte de livros. A Bicicloteca do Instituto Mobilidade Verde foi desenvolvida para atender moradores de rua através do Movimento Estadual da População em Situação de Rua. Trata-se de um triciclo com capacidade para 150 kg de livros que facilita o trânsito na cidade e o acesso de pessoas a cultura , o objetivo é facilitar o trabalho das comunidades que já atuam com cultura e inclusão social através da leitura.

Monday, 7 January 2013


Each book would have the side opposite from the spine gripped by some clips as shown. Each clip would have a magnet bonded onto it (grey) so that books could be attached to and easily detached from a steel wall plate. This allows books to be placed where you like, aligned or misaligned as required. Imagine a collection of intersecting regions drawn in pencil on the plate. This Venn diagram would allow each book to be categorised as say SF, by Clarke and 20th Century. Each of the magnets might take the form of a small motorised cart which would allow the books to be moved around automatically to spell printed words or act as pixels in a book spine scene. Patrick Andrews

Friday, 4 January 2013

Cité du Livre

Cité du Livre is a meeting place for all forms of artistic expression. Built around the rich heritage foundations of the Méjanes library (the Marquis of Méjanes left a collection of 80,000 volumes when he died in 1786). Cité du Livre, in association with the Saint John Perse Foundation and the Institute of Image and the "Tous Courts" Festival, organise seminars, meetings and theme exhibitions: Ecritures Croisées, Fête du Livre, Livre en fête. It also houses an international video library of Lyric Art, created in 1991. Since 1996 it has hosted the Prejlocaj Ballet. Cité du Livre