Tuesday, 2 July 2013


The shelf is divided in two parts enabling communication between these. So that the product becomes a mutable object. This adapts and changes its shape depending on the content in it. By putting books in a category, that becomes bigger allowing to store more books. Through this function, the product allows us to use different sections as comparators. We know, for example, who reads more books. Or what kind of books are the ones that you read more as it always displays the amount of books in each.

Behind the product lies a message that comes once the user has used the shelf. Through its function, the object aims to bring users to the three main socializing agents; individuals, institutions and information. When someone uses the shelf to see who reads more books, it creates a relationship between people who, even in person or not, becomes a link between individuals. Something similar happens when splitting our books by type or theme. The shelf reveals the institution that we’re closer. And, always, refers to information because it represents an indication of the level of information consumed.

Roger Moliné

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