Saturday, 29 March 2008

EFoS - Elastic Folding Structure

It is built around the simplest materials connected by hinges, and is bent to the rules of elasticity and folding. Wood latticework, one of the traditional elements of Japanese architecture, reaches a delicate relationship between light and shadow. By intersecting layers of lattices in various angles, EFoS creates a visual phenomenon known as moiré. Even more, this creates spatial depth and complex effects by the tremors of light and movement around the structure.
PingMag and Yuichi-ro Yamanaka of S.O.Y. LABO


Anonymous said...

Oh, my... I've just discovered your blog, and I'm awestruck and covetous. The archives alone will give me something to look forward to in the home stretch towards my phd comprehensive exams. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my...I've just discovered your blog, and I'm awestruck and covetous. Thank you!

Alex Johnson said...

I'm glad you're enjoying it. Good luck with the exams.